Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Which leaf do you wanna be?

 If I were a leaf, I would be world-famous because I would be the only Beech leaf in the entire universe who would not only know how to talk but would also gain experience of the unknown.

My day would go like this- I would wake up early in the morning before sunrise and go lay in the mud to get my suntanning for at least 5 hours. While doing that, I would also try and learn different languages to impress others from all around the world. Then around 11, I would go take a nice shower preferably from a garden hose or fountain. Then I would go to the airport and sit in somebody’s bag and go wherever they go. That is why I don’t live in a house because I never stay in one place for more than a day or two. I think I would travel 50% of the world if I smartly attach myself to celebrity luggage.

I would travel the world, and see climates that no beech cousin of mine has ever experienced before: be with Nick Jonas on the India tour to endure the dry, sultry and barren weather and meet famous celebrities like the Bollywood stars - all for free too because who was going to notice the tiniest me on Nick’s bowtie? I could just sneak into anybody's backpack or collar and have the time of my life. The possibilities are endless. 

But the only gigantic problem would be that I could be killed easily due to my structure so I would need to be extra cautious. Also, many people would mistake me for flying objects sticking to garments as millions of my other twin brothers and sisters and I have sticky properties too. Who said traveling with a celebrity would be easy? It comes with its own platter of problems, some may include - lack of sunlight, water, soil, etc. 

Even though my wiser cousin, the oak leaf is a powerful symbol of strength, endurance, and eternity, I am happy signifying death as death is the new door to life. Despite the ash tree teasing me about her powers of longevity and endurance, I stand for the changes that arise through realization. Last but not the least, my nagging sister sycamore taunts me for her strength, protection, and divinity, I, however, seek revelation and increase my knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading it Anoushka ,good info on the other trees that I didn’t know earlier . It was nice to follow Beech around


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