Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Appreciate your Uniqueness


A long time ago, there lived a perfect shape - Mrs. Circle! She was perfectly round and plump and often had trouble walking so she rolled over from place to place. Other shapes bullied her a lot for her dilly-dallying.

Over time, Mrs circle started feeling insecure about herself and her shape. She thought she was obese and would never look ravishing like the hourglass did. While walking on the streets of the multi-figurines market, she often felt humiliated when people called her names like ‘Roly-Poly’, ‘Charmless – Chubby’ right to her face. At first, it did not impact her but with time she started believing everyone and disliked her shape and herself. 


Mrs. Circle only had two friends named Square and an Oval who complimented her in every way possible. They sang songs like – ‘I am a round peg in a round hole – are you the square peg in a square hole? and ‘who just turned taller and became an oval?’ They hardly ever left each other’s side.


One day another shape, Mr. Arrow challenged Mrs. Circle to a race. Mr. Arrow was confident that he would win as he was the fastest of them all. Mrs circle accepted the challenge and told Mr. Arrow to meet her at her house at the same time the following day.


Finally! It was time to race. The whistle blew and whoosh! Mrs. circle rolled down the ground whereas Mr arrow still stuck at his third step. Mrs circle was the winner! Mrs. Roly-poly was crowned and Mr. Circle felt proud. Mr. Square smiled and waved a thumbs up to his best friend as he can never be cross with her.


From then onwards, none of the shapes ever bullied her. This taught her that she had a unique shape and can use it to her advantage. For instance, her husband, Mr. Circle taught her the trick to change shapes as per her choice. Sometimes she could be a semi-circle; at others a quarter. This surprised many people and made them want to be friends with Mrs circle again. But Mrs. Oval always remained her best friend. 


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