Thursday, October 13, 2022

“Toys and gadgets or books and notes: decisions of adolescence”


 Reading on Paper Versus Screens: What's the Difference?

Adolescence is a time when we begin to develop new own identities and figure out what we want in life. For some, this means experimenting with their hobbies and interests. For others, this might mean trying out new activities, from playing sports to joining a music group or even learning how to cook. During this time, one of the largest sources of internal conflict one can experience – that I have too – is what should take more of our precious free time; books and the internal urge to write about this new world we’re experiencing, or our phones and gadgets?


Of course, both technology and books can help us learn and develop new skills and hobbies. The benefits of reading books, for example, include improved vocabulary, writing skills and critical thinking skills. They can also serve as good sources of entertainment and are a great way to relax after a long day at work. Writing, of course, is its own reward. The ability to sit with yourself at the end of a long day, to reflect on things, to create something so valuable and personal – the feeling of it is unmatched!


On the other hand, the benefits of using technology include the ability to stay connected with your friends and family. In many ways, what we consume on our phones provides instant gratification – I have the world’s videos and shows at the tip of my fingertips. Moreover, using the internet, I can visit just about any corner of the world. Gadgets like video game consoles offer highly immersive stories and the feeling of accomplishment.


Of course, both have their drawbacks. Books can take a while to feel gratifying (worldbuilding takes patience), and it is difficult to sit down and write every single day. Technology, on the other day, can make us into tech addicts. Too much screen time can also affect your mental health by disrupting your sleep cycle and causing you to become lethargic and irritable.


The more I think about it, the more it becomes clear that what adolescence is really about, is striking a balance. Having grown up, we must make more careful and planned decisions around how to spend our time. And while both books and technology are attractive and offer benefits, it is important to give them both equal time. The consumption of technology must not get in the way of finding time for ourselves, or the quiet of getting lost in a book. If we make time for both, we can lead a healthy life where it is not just indulgence that rules our days, where everything is, in equal parts interesting, immersive, and rewarding.


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