Sunday, April 30, 2023

A year from now where will my friends be?


Everybody’s talking about how time flies. It’s a cliché, but it’s true—life passes by in the blink of an eye. So, if you find yourself asking this question today, remember the answer you give yourself now, or a year from now, isn’t necessarily the only answer! Chances are you will probably grow and change a lot. In a year’s time, my friends might be in a completely different place in their lives and our relationship might change too. Then again, it might change for the better. It might grow stronger. The best part about life is that anything might happen. Think about it this way: if one never makes any decisions in their life, they never know what could have been! Regret is a part of life, but it is also what makes our relationships and how we tackle them so fulfilling. Without the bad, where would the good be? But this question is not only about friends, is it? It’s about the future!

Maybe you’re just starting out in your career and are wondering what the future holds for you. Will your current job still be fulfilling in a year’s time? Will you still be passionate about your college degree by that time? Will you be neighbors with the same people you have known for years or move away? There are so many things to think about when you start to think about the future. Just remember that as long as you keep doing your best and making smart choices for yourself, good things will happen.

The important thing to remember is to not let anything stop you from pursuing your dreams!

Remember, determination, hard work, and a positive attitude can take a person very far. If one can keep their head up, no matter what the circumstance, they’ll always be on the path to success. Feeling anxious about the future is completely normal, but it is important to remember that nothing lasts forever and things will always change. And that’s okay! All we can do is do the best we can with what we have at any given moment in time, even if that means changing course a little bit along the way. Don’t worry about the future too much, I constantly tell myself! Life will go on no matter what we choose to do or who we choose to spend our time with. The most important thing, at the end of the day, is to be happy with ourselves. 

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